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Acreage additions

billion boe
Discovered resources potential (billion boe) – development from 2007 to 2011 (bar chart)

Since 2007, Shell has acquired exploration rights to some 360,000 km2. In 2011 alone, we secured rights to more than 140,000 km2 of new exploration acreage including approximately 12,000 km2 of positions in liquids-rich shales. Recent significant additions are specified below.


In February 2012, Shell signed an agreement with Petromanas Energy to become a partner in two onshore blocks. This agreement is subject to governmental approvals.


In 2011, Shell became partner in three blocks in the Neuquen Basin. The transactions were formally approved in January 2012.


In November 2011, Shell and Woodside Petroleum Ltd (Woodside) were awarded three blocks in the Canning Basin in the offshore North West Shelf. The area covers about 23,000 km2. Through the acquisition of Bow Energy by Arrow Energy LNG, Shell also added acreage to its Queensland-based coalbed-methane joint venture with PetroChina.


In June 2011, Shell became partner in the offshore Block CA2, which has an area of about 5,000 km2.


During 2011, Shell acquired additional liquids-rich shale acreage in British Columbia and Alberta. In January 2012, Shell was also the successful bidder for four deep-water blocks offshore Nova Scotia. The blocks were awarded in March 2012.


In January 2012, Shell signed an agreement with Ivanhoe Energy to acquire its interest in the Zitong block in the Sichuan Basin. This agreement is subject to governmental approvals.


Shell was awarded Block 27 in the middle Magdalena Basin, and it additionally farmed into Blocks 28 and 3.


In February 2012, French authorities ratified Shell’s entry into the Guyane Maritime block comprising about 25,000 km2 of deep-water acreage, and Shell assumed operatorship.


In March 2012, Shell signed exploration PSCs and joint operating agreements in offshore Sarawak for Blocks 2B and SK318 adding some 9,200 km2 to our Malaysia position.


In August 2011, Shell became partner in two blocks in the deep-water Great South Basin with a total size of about 32,000 km2.


In October 2010, Shell signed a farm-in agreement to acquire a 45% interest in Service Contract 54 – block B, offshore north-west Palawan. The acreage covers an area of around 3,200 km2. The transaction was formally approved in January 2011.


In October 2011, Shell won the bid for the onshore East Talotinsky licence in the Timan Pechora area.


In February 2012, Shell was awarded a deep-water exploration block in the Orange Basin offshore South Africa. The area is about 37,000 km2.


In September 2011, Shell became partner in deep-water Blocks 5 and 6 offshore Tanzania. The total area is about 15,000 km2.


In November 2011, Shell signed two agreements with Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı (TPAO), the state-owned oil company, to become an exploration partner both onshore and offshore. The onshore exploration is to be conducted in the south-east of the country; the offshore exploration area lies in the deep waters of the Mediterranean south-west of the country. The offshore acreage amounts to about 16,000 km2. The agreements are pending ratification by the Turkish government.


In September 2011, Shell was awarded an exploration contract, adding two blocks to an area specified in an earlier joint activity agreement with the state-owned gas producer.


Shell acquired additional liquids-rich shale and shale-gas acreage in Colorado, Kansas, Ohio and Texas.

Exploration performance: 2007 – March 2012 acreage access, 2011 discovery and appraisal success (world map)
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