[...] as our Sky scenario report and the Shell Energy Transition report. In addition, the Board discussed Shell’s Net Carbon Footprint ambition and some of our Non-executive Directors received dedicated updates from management and external experts on New Energies, the various business models, [...]
[...] it will incorporate a link between the energy transition and the long-term remuneration of executives. Shell further built on its Net Carbon Footprint ambition, taking a significant leadership position within the oil and gas sector with strong support from stakeholders. The statement is the result [...]
[...] and process safety, road safety, the energy transition and climate change, Shell’s Net Carbon Footprint ambition, the Company’s environmental and societal licence to operate, and its ethics programme. The CSRC also discussed Shell’s operations and the challenges faced in Pakistan, Nigeria [...]
[...] taken by governments to control national energy transitions may also have unintended consequences when prohibition of one technology may support other substitute technologies that could result in an increase in overall GHG emissions. See “Risk factors”. Natural gas According to the IEA, more [...]
[...] factors” and “Climate change and energy transition”). Climate change and risks resulting from greenhouse gas emissions have been identified as significant risk factors for Shell and are managed in accordance with other significant risks through the Board and Executive Committee. Many of our [...]