Search results

Showing 16-20 of 20 results found for "Standards"

Business overview

[...] is underpinned by project principles, standards and processes. A dedicated competence framework, training, standards and processes exist for various technical disciplines. In addition, we provide governance support for our non-Shell-operated ventures or projects. Segmental reporting Our reporting [...]

Liquidity and capital resources

[...] was not material in 2018. Treasury standards are applicable to all our subsidiaries, and each subsidiary is required to adopt a treasury policy consistent with these standards. Other than in exceptional cases, the use of external derivative instruments is confined to specialist trading and central [...]

Risks and opportunities

[...] in place which is supported by standards, policies and controls. This includes the work of the Board, which discussed a number of regular agenda items, among them reporting on environmental topics. Throughout 2018, the Board discussed the businesses’ Net Carbon Footprint ambition. In addition, [...]

Non-GAAP measures reconciliations

These non-GAAP measures, also known as alternative performance measures, are financial measures other than those defined in International Financial Reporting Standards which Shell considers provide useful information. Earnings on a current cost of supplies basis Segment earnings are presented on a [...]

Our people

[...] we ensure that our policies, standards and procedures are communicated to Shell employees and contract staff and, where necessary and appropriate, to agents and business partners. Particular areas of focus with third parties include our due diligence procedures, and clearly articulated [...]