[...] standards are applicable to all subsidiaries and each subsidiary is required to adopt a treasury policy consistent with these standards. These policies cover: financing structure; interest rate and foreign exchange risk management; insurance; counterparty risk management; and use of derivative [...]
[...] Reflects 100% of production of subsidiaries except in respect of production-sharing contracts (PSCs), where the figures shown represent the entitlement of the subsidiaries concerned under those contracts. Comprises countries where 2018 production was lower than 7,300 thousand barrels or where [...]
[...] than certain borrowing by local subsidiaries, we do not have any other committed credit facilities. Our total debt decreased by $8.8 billion in 2018 to $76.8 billion at December 31, 2018. The amount excluding finance leases will mature as follows: 15% in 2019; 9% in 2020; 8% in 2021; 7% in 2022; [...]
The tables below reflect Shell subsidiaries and instances where Shell owns the crude oil or feedstocks processed by a refinery. In addition, the tables include the Buenos Aires refinery on a 50% basis following the sale to Raízen in October 2018 (100% basis up to that date). Other joint ventures [...]
[...] in respect of audits of accounts of subsidiaries 16 21 17 Total audit fees 47 48 49 Audit-related fees 5 4 2 Fees in respect of other non-audit services 1 1 1 Total 53 53 52 In addition, the auditor provided audit services to retirement benefit plans for employees of subsidiaries. Remuneration [...]