We are seeking cost-effective ways to manage GHG emissions and see potential business opportunities in developing such solutions. We seek to contribute to reducing global GHG emissions in a number of ways: supplying more natural gas to replace coal for power generation; progressing carbon capture [...]
[...] with society’s drive to reduce GHG emissions. We aim to reduce the Net Carbon Footprint of the energy products we sell – expressed in grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule consumed – by around half by 2050. As an interim step, by 2035, and predicated on societal progress, we aim for a [...]
[...] gas (GHG) intensity is a measure of GHG emissions (direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with imported energy, excluding emissions from exported energy), expressed in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, emitted into the atmosphere per metric tonne of hydrocarbon production [...]
[...] Report in April 2019. Our direct GHG emissions decreased from 73 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2017 to 71 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2018. The main contributors to this decrease were divestments (for example in Argentina, Canada, Gabon, Iraq, Malaysia and the UK). The level of [...]
Climate change and risks resulting from GHG emissions have been identified as a significant risk factor for Shell and are managed in accordance with other significant risks through the Board and Executive Committee. See “Corporate governance”. Shell has a climate change risk management [...]