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Showing 1-5 of 28 results found for "Energy transition"

Climate change and energy transition

Shell has long recognised that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the use of fossil fuels are contributing to the warming of the climate system. In December 2015, 195 nations adopted the Paris Agreement. We welcomed the efforts made by governments to reach this global climate agreement, which [...]

Directors’ Remuneration Report

[...] the implementation of a measure for energy transition progress as part of our LTIP. Given the broad support for our direction of travel we have decided not to wait for the mandatory policy review of next year, but rather to start immediately by incorporating an energy transition metric into the [...]

Our strategy

[...] and we continue to work on improving the energy efficiency of our existing operations. In addition, and as a better way to inform and drive our investment choices and adapt our business over time, in November 2017 we announced our ambition to reduce the Net Carbon Footprint of our energy products [...]

Our portfolio and climate change

[...] and storage (CCS); implementing energy-efficiency measures in our operations where reasonably practicable; developing new fuels for transport such as advanced biofuels and hydrogen; participating throughout the power value chain with a focus on natural gas and renewable electricity; and working [...]

2019 policy implementation

[...] based on four financial measures and a new energy transition condition. They are also subject to a TSR underpin such that if the TSR ranking is fourth or fifth, the level of the 2019 award that can vest on the basis of the other measures will be capped at 50% of the maximum. Further information on [...]