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Showing 6-10 of 14 results found for "Climate change and energy transition"


[...] on how we manage our GHG emission in “Climate change and energy transition”, and read about our new environmental framework on our website We believe some areas are too sensitive to enter. Therefore, we made the commitment that we will not explore for or develop oil and gas [...]

Risk factors

[...] See “Strategy and outlook” and “Climate change and energy transition”. How this risk is managed We actively monitor societal developments, such as regulation-driven carbon-pricing mechanisms and customer-driven preferences for products. We incorporate these into scenarios which provide [...]

Our approach to sustainability

[...] For more information, see the “Climate change and energy transition” section. In January 2021, we agreed to adopt the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, a set of environmental, social and governance metrics released by the World Economic Forum and its International Business Council. Our strategy: [...]

2 Significant accounting policies, judgements and estimates

[...] to the Company’s shareholders. Climate change and energy transition Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement is a global and Shell target. Shell’s pathway to Paris alignment is reflected in the Group’s strategy and in 2020 we announced a long-term target to become a net-zero emissions energy [...]

Our governance of climate change

[...] about SESCo’s activities around climate change and energy transition see “Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee”. The Remuneration Committee (REMCO) is responsible for determining the Directors’ Remuneration Policy, in alignment with our business strategy. Annual scorecard [...]