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Showing 11-15 of 35 results found for "Employees"

17 Retirement benefits

[...] pension arrangement with retired employees drawing benefits as an annuity. The duration of the related Dutch defined benefit obligation is 19 years (2019: 19 years). Whilst the plan was closed to employees hired or rehired after July 1, 2013, it currently remains open for ongoing accrual for [...]

Other regulatory and statutory information

[...] on how Directors have engaged with employees. Workforce engagement Directors’ interests The interests (in shares of the Company or calculated equivalents) of the Directors in office at the end of the year, including any interests of a “connected person”. Changes in Directors’ share [...]

Remuneration Committee and principles

[...] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on employees, and determining that no salary increases would apply for 2021 for Executive Directors and Senior Management; considering matters relating to the updated strategy and accelerated transition of our business to net-zero emissions and the potential [...]

Non-executive Directors

[...] any potential differences from other employees (see “Differences for Executive Directors from other employees”) were taken into account when providing the REMCO with advice in the formation of this Policy. Dialogue between management and employees is important, with the annual Shell People [...]

2 Significant accounting policies, judgements and estimates

[...] life insurance are provided to certain employees and retirees under defined benefit and defined contribution plans. Obligations under defined benefit plans are calculated annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method, which takes into account employees’ years of [...]