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Showing 26-30 of 35 results found for "Employees"

28 Auditor’s remuneration

[...] to retirement benefit plans for employees of subsidiaries. Remuneration paid by those benefit plans amounted to $1 million in 2020 (2019: $1 million; 2018: $1 million).

Introduction from the Chair

[...] help Shell attract and retain employees while supporting greater productivity and operational safety and efficiency. Ensuring that the employee voice is heard in the boardroom in practical ways is key to understanding the broader impact of business decisions, including with respect to [...]

2021 policy implementation

[...] the approach taken for the majority of employees for 2021. Annual bonus To ensure that the scorecard remains well aligned with our strategic and operational priorities, the REMCO has reviewed the structure of the 2021 scorecard. The REMCO has decided to focus on four key areas: financial delivery, [...]

Performance indicators

[...] consequence resulting in harm to employees, contract staff, or a neighbouring community, damage to equipment, or exceeding a threshold quantity, as defined by the API Recommended Practice 754 and IOGP Standard 456. A Tier 2 process safety event is a release of lesser consequence. See [...]


[...] consistently verify the identity of our employees and contract staff, and control their access to our sites and activities, both physical and logistical. We manage and exercise crisis response and management plans.