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Showing 31-35 of 35 results found for "Employees"

Contribution to society

Shell’s businesses are part of society and contribute to it by buying and selling goods and services across economies in various countries and jurisdictions. Our employees, suppliers and contractors are part of the local communities where Shell operates. In 2020, Shell paid $47.3 billion to [...]


[...] threats and security incidents. Shell employees and contract staff are subject to mandatory courses and regular awareness campaigns aimed at protecting us against cyber-threats. We periodically test and adapt cyber-security response processes and seek to enhance our security monitoring capability. [...]

What we do

[...] Human capital 87,000 2019: 87,000 Employees 234,000 2019: 373,000 Training days Read more in “Our people”. Relationships Customers Joint arrangements Government relations Suppliers >70 2019: >70 Operating countries Read more in “Section 172(1) statement”, “Environment and [...]

Our business model explained

[...] processes. Development of our employees’ project management competencies is underpinned by project principles, standards and processes. A dedicated competence framework, training, standards and processes exist for various technical disciplines. We also provide governance support for our [...]

Download centre

[...] - Opens in new windowActual number of employees by geographical area 11 kB 19kB - Opens in new windowConsolidated Financial Statements 19 kB 164kB - Opens in new windowTables of the Selected financial data 164 kB