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Showing 6-10 of 25 results found for "Subsidiaries"

Other regulatory and statutory information

[...] Our people Branches A list of our subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. Our activities and interests are operated through subsidiaries, branches of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates which are subject to the laws and regulations of many different jurisdictions. Additional [...]

19 Financial instruments

[...] standards are applicable to all subsidiaries and each subsidiary is required to adopt a treasury policy consistent with these standards. These policies cover: financing structure; interest rate and foreign exchange risk management; insurance; counterparty risk management; and use of derivative [...]

Summary of results

[...] proved oil and gas reserves of Shell subsidiaries and the Shell share of the proved oil and gas reserves of joint ventures and associates are summarised in “Oil and gas information” and set out in more detail in “Supplementary information – oil and gas (unaudited)”. Before taking [...]

Independent Auditor’s Report

[...] plc (the Parent Company) and its subsidiaries (collectively, Shell or Group): give a true and fair view of the state of Shell’s and of the Parent Company’s affairs as at December 31, 2020 and of Shell’s loss and the Parent Company’s income for the year then ended; have been properly [...]

Our people

[...] part-time basis, working in Shell subsidiaries, Shell-operated joint operations, seconded to non-Shell-operated joint operations, or joint ventures and associates. At December 31, 2020, there were a total of 87,000 employees in Shell. This total consisted of employees in Shell and employees in [...]