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Showing 11-14 of 14 results found for "Diversity"


[...] tenure, Board succession planning, diversity and inclusion and the Senior Management pipeline have been covered at other events during 2020. The Board is proposing to hold the next event in October 2021 if circumstances permit. Engagements in 2020 A summary of the main ways in which the Board [...]

Our approach to sustainability

[...] to climate change, the environment, diversity and inclusion, and human rights. We seek the views of various groups and individuals about the role of an organisation like Shell in addressing these challenges. Sustainability reporting boundary and guidelines Data in this section are reported on a [...]

Risk factors

[...] given the geographic range, operational diversity and technical complexity of our operations. These risks include the effects of natural disasters (including weather events), earthquakes, social unrest, pandemic diseases, criminal actions by external parties, and safety lapses. If a major risk [...]

Chair’s message

[...] equally of men and women. Greater diversity brings greater understanding of people, and better decision-making. Shell has set challenging emissions targets. In 2020, we announced our target to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 in step with society. We intend to meet our [...]