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Showing 16-18 of 18 results found for "Our People"

Control framework

[...] impacts. We are committed to the safety of our people and contractors. The Shell HSSE & SP Control Framework (CF) specifies the standards for health, safety, security, environment and social performance (HSSE & SP) and the scope for applying these standards. The CF consists of a series of [...]

Our governance of climate change

[...] information, see Strategy and outlook, and Our people. Climate change risk management process The framework for managing the climate change and GHG emissions risk is underpinned by Shell’s Control Framework and Statement on Risk Management, which are described in the “Other regulatory and [...]

Section 172(1) statement

[...] engagement” section and in the “Our people” section. The tables below includes examples of how Directors have considered the interests of Shell employees and the resulting outcomes. Principal decisions In the table below, we outline some of the principal decisions made by the Board over the [...]