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Showing 21-25 of 39 results found for "Energy transition"


[...] of greenhouse gases (GHG), consume energy more efficiently, reduce gas flaring, prevent spills and leaks of hazardous materials, use less fresh water and conserve biodiversity. We seek to apply our global environmental standards wherever we operate. When planning new major projects, we conduct [...]

Business pillars

[...] opportunities that exist for us in the energy transition. Shell will reshape its portfolio of assets and products to meet the cleaner energy needs of its customers in the coming decades. We will deliver our strategy through three business pillars: Growth, Transition, and Upstream. Through these [...]

Our people

Performing competitively in the evolving energy landscape requires competent and empowered people working safely together across Shell. Employees 87,000 employees at December 31, 2020 Region >70 countries in which we operate Training 234,000 formal training days for employees and joint-venture [...]


[...] to safety and journey to thrive in the energy transition. The REMCO believes it is important for annual variable pay to remain balanced, with operational and environmental components, complementing the LTIP’s focus on longer-term financial and strategic outcomes. The same annual bonus scorecard [...]

Who we are

Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies with 87,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We have expertise in the exploration, production, refining, marketing and trading of oil and natural gas, and the manufacturing and marketing of chemicals. We use advanced technologies [...]