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Showing 26-30 of 39 results found for "Energy transition"

Outlook for 2021 and beyond

[...] our portfolio of assets and the mix of energy that we sell to meet the cleaner energy needs of our customers in the coming decades, while delivering value for our shareholders. Delivering our strategy will require clear and deliberate capital allocation choices. We approach capital allocation at [...]


[...] including into key projects and energy transition initiatives. Directors also held various virtual workforce engagements, as well as virtual external stakeholder engagements. More detail on these can be found in the table below and in sections “Understanding and engaging with our stakeholders” [...]

Introduction from the Chair

[...] is our target to be a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050, in step with society. We still believe, though, that society will continue to need oil and gas for many years to come. Oil and gas will continue to be the cash generators that support our investments through the energy transition. [...]

Our approach to sustainability

[...] We aim to provide more and cleaner energy solutions in a responsible manner – in a way that balances short- and long-term interests, and that integrates economic, environmental, and social considerations into decision-making. Today, we continue to build on these foundations while driving change [...]

Remuneration policy

[...] of the sustainable development and energy transition metrics. Any potential conflict of interest is mitigated by the independence of the REMCO members and the REMCO Terms of Reference. A summary of the main changes to the Policy for the Executive Directors is outlined below. No significant changes [...]