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Showing 1-5 of 35 results found for "Employees"

26 Employees

Employee costs $ million 2020 2019 2018 Remuneration 9,128 10,075 10,167 Social security contributions 793 844 810 Retirement benefits (see Note 17) 1,851 1,753 1,878 Share-based compensation (see Note 21) 359 537 531 Total 12,131 13,209 13,386 Excludes employees seconded to joint ventures and [...]

Our people

Performing competitively in the evolving energy landscape requires competent and empowered people working safely together across Shell. Employees 87,000 employees at December 31, 2020 Region >70 countries in which we operate Training 234,000 formal training days for employees and joint-venture [...]

Additional remuneration disclosures

Change in remuneration of Directors and employees from 2019 to 2020 As Royal Dutch Shell plc does not have any direct employees, the table below compares the remuneration of the Directors of Royal Dutch Shell plc with an employee comparator group consisting of local employees in the Netherlands, [...]

Section 172(1) statement

[...] how Shell Directors: have engaged with employees, suppliers, customers and others; and have considered employee interests, the need to foster business relationships with suppliers, customers and others, and the effects of those considerations, including on the principal decisions taken during the [...]


[...] applies to the majority of group employees, supporting consistency of remuneration and alignment of objective across employees and senior management. For future years, the specific measures and weightings for the annual bonus scorecard will be reviewed annually by the REMCO and adjusted [...]