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Showing 1-5 of 18 results found for "Our People"

Our people

Performing competitively in the evolving energy landscape requires competent and empowered people working safely together across Shell. Employees 87,000 employees at December 31, 2020 Region >70 countries in which we operate Training 234,000 formal training days for employees and joint-venture [...]

Chair’s message

Chad Holliday, Chair In 2020, the world faced exceptional adversity in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adversity reveals character. It forces us to find strength we never knew we had. For the good of all, many people volunteered for medical trials. Scientists and doctors from around the world [...]

Other regulatory and statutory information

[...] promotion, training and rewards for all our people, including those with disabilities. Our people Employee communication and involvement Information concerning employee communication and involvement. Our people Corporate social responsibility A summary of Shell’s approach to corporate social [...]

Introduction from the Chair

[...] this environment, what stands out for me is our people. I am immensely proud of them. I was struck by how our people stepped up and continued to deliver in this challenging environment. They continued to work on platforms and refineries, away from their families for extended periods of time, to [...]

Workforce engagement

[...] ability to create value as it recognises that our people are our greatest asset. Workforce views can help inform the Board on matters such as operational effectiveness, Shell culture, risk identification and strategy development and delivery. Throughout 2020 the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impacted [...]