How we create value
We aim to meet the world’s growing need for more and cleaner energy solutions in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible. Our Powering Progress strategy is designed to create value for our shareholders, customers and wider society.
Energy use
Our inputs [A]
Financial capital
$172 billion
Equity attributable to Shell plc shareholders [B]
2020: $155 billion
$81 billion
Non-current debt [B]
2020: $91 billion
$53 billion
Net debt [B][C]
2020: $75 billion
$265 billion
Average capital employed [B]
2020: $277 billion
$20 billion
Cash capital expenditure [C]
2020: $18 billion
Refining and chemicals availability
2020: 96%
3,237 (kboe/d)
Oil & gas production available for sale
2020: 3,386 (kboe/d)
31 (million tonnes)
LNG liquefaction volumes
2020: 33 (million tonnes)
Number of employees [B]
2020: 87,000
Number of training days
2020: 234,000
Customers, joint arrangements, Government relations, suppliers.
Operating countries [B]
2020: >70
815 ($ million)
Research and development expenses
2020: 907 ($ million)
Number of patents [B]
2020: 8,480
Natural resources
9,365 (million boe)
Proved oil and gas reserves [B]
2020: 9,124 (million boe)
223 (million MWh)
Energy consumed
2020: 241 (million MWh)
Our outcomes and impacts [A]
Generating Shareholder Value
45 ($ billion)
Cash flow from operating activities
2020: 34 ($ billion)
19 ($ billion)
Adjusted earnings [C]
2020: 5 ($ billion)
55 ($ billion)
Adjusted EBITDA (CCS basis) [C]
2020: 37 ($ billion)
9 ($ billion)
Shareholder distributions [C]
2020: 9 ($ billion)
Achieving Net-Zero Emissions
Absolute emissions
(Scope 1 and 2 – million tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
2020: 72
2016: 83
Net carbon intensity
(Scope 1, 2 and 3 – grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule)
2020: 75
2016: 79
Powering Lives
Women in senior leadership positions [B]
2020: 28%
59 ($ billion)
Taxes paid and collected
2020: 47 ($ billion)
38 ($ billion)
Total spend on goods and services
2020: 39 ($ billion)
Respecting Nature
22 (million m3)
Fresh water consumed in our facilities
2020: 22 (million m3)
2018: 25 (million m3)
2 (million tonnes)
Waste disposed
2020: 2 (million tonnes)
- [A] In 2021 unless stated otherwise.
- [B] At December 31.
- [C] See Non-GAAP measures reconciliations.