We hold a non-operating interest in a producing concession in Denmark (Shell interest 36.8%), which was granted in 1962 and will expire in 2042. The Danish government is one of our partners with a 20% interest.
We are the operator of the Corrib Gas project (Shell interest 45%), which is currently at an advanced stage of construction. Its 4-kilometre onshore gas pipeline has been installed, while construction of a 4.9 kilometre tunnel under Sruwaddacon Bay is progressing. Corrib has the potential to supply a significant proportion of the country’s natural gas requirement.
Shell and ExxonMobil are 50:50 shareholders in Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. (NAM), the largest hydrocarbon producer in the Netherlands. An important part of NAM’s gas production comes from the onshore Groningen gas field, in which the Dutch government has a 40% interest and NAM a 60% interest. NAM also has a 60% interest in the Schoonebeek oil field, which has been redeveloped using enhanced oil recovery technology. NAM also operates a significant number of other onshore gas fields and offshore gas fields in the North Sea. In March 2014, the Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands published his draft decision to approve the NAM’s production plan for the Groningen field. The decision limits production in 2014 to 42.5 billion cubic metres, as part of a set of measures that seek to mitigate the risk of seismic activity. A final decision is expected by mid-August 2014.

of the giant Groningen gas field in
the Netherlands, owned by the
Dutch government and Shell’s NAM
joint venture.
We are a partner in more than 20 production licences on the Norwegian continental shelf. We are the operator in six of these, of which two are producing: the Ormen Lange gas field (Shell interest 17.8%) and the Draugen oil field (Shell interest 44.6%). The other producing fields are the Troll, Gjøa and Kvitebjørn fields.
United Kingdom
We operate a significant number of our interests on the UK continental shelf on behalf of a 50:50 joint arrangement with ExxonMobil. Most of our UK oil and gas production comes from the North Sea. We hold various non-operated interests in the Atlantic Margin area, principally in the West of Shetlands area. We also have interests in the non-operated Schiehallion field (Shell interest 55%), and in the Beryl area fields, with interests ranging from 20-49%.
Map of North-west Europe