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Cash engines

Cash engines need to deliver strong and stable returns and strong and stable free cash flow that can cover the dividend and share buybacks throughout macroeconomic cycles and leave us with enough cash to fund our future.

Oil and gas rig (icon)Oil and gas rig (icon)

Conventional oil and gas

In our conventional oil and gas business, we only make investments in selective growth positions and apply our distinctive technology and operating performance to extend the productive lives of our assets and to enhance their profitability.

LNG vessel (icon)LNG vessel (icon)

Integrated Gas

In Integrated Gas, covering worldwide and production facilities in Qatar and Malaysia, we have leadership positions in profitable and growing markets. We focus on delivering cash and returns, creating and securing new gas demand, and making selective new investments in additional LNG supply capacity.

Petrol pump (icon)Petrol pump (icon)

Oil Products

Our Oil Products businesses’ distinctive product offering is underpinned by a strong manufacturing base and offers growth potential in selective markets.

In March 2017, Shell announced our agreement to sell the majority of our interests in oil sands in Canada. As a result, Oil Sands Mining no longer features as a strategic theme.

liquefied natural gas
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gas to liquids
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