Change Report
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Oil tanker in the Arctic (photo)

To meet growing long-term energy demand, Shell is producing more natural gas and accessing energy resources in increasingly challenging environments. The amount of liquefied natural gas we supply rose again in 2011. Innovative technologies are helping us explore for and produce oil and gas from deeper waters than ever before. We are also developing resources in locations with extreme conditions, such as subarctic regions.

Natural gas
As energy demand rises in the coming decades, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that supplies of natural gas – along with renewables such as wind and solar – will see the biggest growth.
The Arctic
The US Geological Survey estimates the global Arctic holds as much as 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas and about 13% of its yet-to-find oil.
Deep water
In delivering new resources to help meet rising energy demand, we are operating in ever more challenging environments – such as deeper waters offshore.
An open letter from Mutiu Sunmonu, Chairman of Shell Companies in Nigeria.
Working with our suppliers
Shell buys goods and services from 120,000 suppliers across the world.
Shell Foundation
Shell Foundation is an independent charity that applies business thinking to global development challenges such as sustainable mobility, access to energy and job creation through small enterprises.
Iraq is slowly rebuilding, but after years of conflict the country faces tough challenges.
Oil sands
In the decades to come, energy from all sources will be needed to meet rising global demand.
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