Learning about biodiversity at the
Earthwatch Business Skills for World
Heritage Programme in Kenya.
We work closely with leading environmental organisations including the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Wetlands International, The Nature Conservancy and Earthwatch. These partnerships help us identify and manage environmental challenges, as well as opportunities to make improvements, early in the design of projects by giving us access to expertise and practical advice.
In 2011, we worked on more than 35 projects with these organisations. For example, with Wetlands International we have developed a software tool that could help our engineers minimise impacts on sensitive wetlands. With IUCN, we are working on a joint-industry initiative to understand the cumulative effects of more development on the Arctic region and identify responsible ways to operate, with special focus on the welfare of local communities and the environment.
We continued to work with Earthwatch to develop the management skills at UNESCO World Heritage Site staff, who partner with mentors from Shell. With The Nature Conservancy, we researched techniques to install artificial oyster reefs in the Gulf of Mexico in the USA. These reefs encourage the growth of oysters, which serve as natural water filters and help control coastal erosion.