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Living by our principles

Our principles govern the way we run our business. They guide our policies and processes and how we work with others. We aim to be a good neighbour to the communities close to our projects and facilities.

Shell General Business Principles

All employees and contractors are expected to comply with our business principles. (photo)

Our people and their well-being are
important to our ability to deliver
energy responsibly.

Shell was one of the first companies to publish business principles, 35 years ago. They set the standards for how we should behave when conducting business. Today these principles include a commitment on sustainable development, which for Shell means how to do business in economically, socially and environmentally responsible ways. All Shell employees and contractors, and those at joint ventures we operate, are expected to comply with our business principles. In joint ventures we do not control, we encourage our partners to adopt and apply principles consistent with our own. Mechanisms are in place to make sure that employees are aware of the principles and act in accordance with them. There are confidential channels for reporting breaches.

Our Code of Conduct describes in detail how employees and contractors must behave in line with our business principles. It covers areas such as fighting corrupt practices, national and international trade, and safeguarding information and assets. All staff must complete training in our Code of Conduct.

Our people and their well-being are important to our ability to deliver energy to our customers. Shell aims to be a supportive and inclusive company, with a culture that embraces diversity.

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