- Employees
- Contractors
- Total number
- allnone
Fatal accident rate (FAR)
- Fatalities per 100 million working hours (employees and contractors)
- allnone
- Total recordable case frequency (TRCF)
- Lost time injury frequency (LTIF)
- allnone
- Total recordable occupational illness frequency (TROIF)
- allnone
- Using armed security
- Using armed company security
- Using armed contractor security
- allnone
Gender diversity*
- In supervisory/professional positions
- In management positions
- In senior leadership positions
- allnone
Regional diversity*
- Countries with majority of local nationals in senior leadership positions
- allnone
Staff forums and grievance procedures*
- Countries with staff access to staff forum, grievance procedure or other support system
- allnone
Procedures to prevent child labour*
- Own operations
- Contractors
- Suppliers
- allnone
Procedures to prevent forced labour*
- Own operations
- Contractors and suppliers
- allnone
- Code of Conduct violations*
- Contracts cancelled due to incompatibility with Business Principles*
- Joint ventures divested due to incompatibility with Business Principles*
- allnone
Contracting and procurement*
- Estimated expenditure on goods and services from locally owned companies in lower-income countries*
- allnone
Social investment*
- Estimated voluntary social investment (equity share)*
- Estimated social investment spend (equity share) in lower-income countries*
- allnone
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- allnone
Data for the chart generator is based on figures from Social data.