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We have a long track record of building partnerships with environmental and development organisations to bring insights to our work.

Dr Pieter Venter (photo)

External opinion

“Shell provides a visible example of how non-negotiable values and a high priority for safety can be successfully transferred from a company to communities and families. Shell provides an example of road safety excellence from which Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) and its members have benefitted.

A representative from Shell is a GRSP Executive Committee member, another is the Chairperson of the Global Road Safety Initiative (GRSI) – a flagship project supported exclusively by corporate members of the GRSP. This reflects Shell’s commitment to road safety.

Shell’s membership of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration has led to the planning and development of several new country projects that support national governments’ road safety strategies. Its work to improve the knowledge of Shell employees about road safety is an important tool and should be offered to all employees and contractors who oversee road safety community programmes.”

Dr Pieter Venter
CEO, Global Road Safety Partnership,
Geneva, Switzerland

The aim of the partnerships can vary from helping to reduce our environmental impact, improve the land around our operations and to implement social investment programmes. For example, we partner with organisations that can advise us in specific areas such as biodiversity and human rights.

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