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About Shell

Overview of our businesses clustered in 1) Exploration 2) Development and Extraction 3) Manufacturing and Energy Production 4) Transport and Trading 5) Retail and B2B Sales (graph)

Shell is an integrated energy company that aims to meet the world’s growing demand for energy in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible.


Upstream explores for and produces natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids by developing onshore and offshore fields. It also mines and extracts bitumen from oil sands and converts it into synthetic crude oil. Natural gas may be liquefied, transported as liquefied natural gas and then regasified where it is needed or it may be converted from gas to liquid fuels. Upstream also operates the infrastructure necessary to deliver oil and gas to market. Wind power activities are also a part of Upstream.


Downstream is the business that manufactures oil products, biofuels and chemicals, which are then distributed and sold. Downstream trades Shell’s hydrocarbons and other energy-related products and manages our fleet of natural gas carriers and oil tankers.

Projects & technology

The Projects & Technology organisation works across Downstream and Upstream driving research and innovation to create technology solutions for finding and developing oil and gas. It manages the projects that turn oil and gas fields into profitable assets and is the engine through which Shell creates value for the future.

