Our business principles
Code of Conduct
This describes the behaviour expected of our employees and how they relate to our business principles and core values.
Our core values

Our business principles
- economic
- competition
- business integrity
- political activities
- health, safety, security and environment
- local communities
- communication and engagement
- compliance
The Shell General Business Principles (SGBP) detail our responsibilities to shareholders, customers, employees, business partners and society. They set the standards for the way we conduct business with integrity and our respect for the environment and local communities. All Shell employees and contractors, and those at joint ventures we operate, are expected to understand and behave according to our business principles at all times. We encourage suppliers and joint ventures that we do not operate, to apply equivalent principles.
Our Code of Conduct
The Shell Code of Conduct guides individuals on how to behave in accordance with the SGBP. It outlines specific individual responsibilities in areas such as safety, anti-bribery and corruption and fair competition. Shell provides mandatory training and regularly reminds employees and contractors about the importance of both the business principles and the Code of Conduct. All Shell employees, contractors and anyone acting on behalf of Shell must follow the Code of Conduct.
We encourage employees and contractors to seek advice and report concerns of any potential breaches, anonymously if they wish. Reported concerns or allegations are investigated by specialists within Shell and if a violation is confirmed we take appropriate action. This may involve serious consequences, up to and including dismissal or contract termination. We maintain a stringent no retaliation policy to protect any person making a good faith allegation.
We aim to do business fairly, ethically and in accordance with applicable laws that promote and safeguard fair competition among businesses. Our commitments include the prohibition of practices such as price-fixing and market sharing. We provide guidance, advice and training to help employees understand their responsibilities and how to act in full accordance with the law.
Anti-bribery and corruption
Anti-bribery and corruption is mandated in Principle 10 of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact of which we are a founding member. Our business principles are clear: we do not tolerate the direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation or acceptance of bribes in any form, including facilitation payments.
Our anti-bribery and corruption programme applies to all Shell employees and contractors, and those at joint ventures we operate. The programme includes mandatory requirements in areas such as conflicts of interest and offering or accepting gifts and hospitality.