We continue to work to reduce our impact on the environment, to engage with our neighbours in the communities where we operate and to generate jobs and business opportunities for local economies. This section provides data on our safety, economic, environmental and social performance in 2014.
Safety performance
In 2014, we achieved our lowest ever number of injuries per million working hours – the total recordable case frequency (TRCF).
Economic performance
Our income in 2014 was $14.7 billion and we returned $11.8 billion to our shareholders through dividends.
Featured projects and operations
We apply a staged project development process which covers six phases: identify and assess; select; define; execute; operate; and decommission and restore.
Environmental performance
We improved our environmental performance in most areas and have a series of projects underway to reduce our flaring.
Social performance
We respectfully engage with relevant parties, evaluate impacts, plan mitigation strategies and find opportunities to support communities, such as helping to build local economies through the creation of jobs and business opportunities.
Environmental data
Data for the past 10 years, including flaring, ozone-depleting emissions and waste disposal.
Social data
Data for the past 10 years, including gender diversity, integrity and social investment.
External Review Committee
Independent opinion on Shell's 2014 Sustainability Report.
About our reporting
We use a thorough process to select content for our reporting based on information from external and internal sources.
About our data
There are inherent limitations to the accuracy of environmental and social data. We recognise that our environmental and social data will be affected by these limitations and continue to improve the integrity of our data by strengthening our internal controls.