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Integrating sustainability

Helping to shape a more sustainable energy future

At Shell, we believe the world needs to produce more energy and emit less greenhouse gases if society is to meet its development and environmental goals – achieving these goals requires an energy transition. We have acknowledged man-made climate change for many years and called for action by our industry, governments and energy customers.

Today, the energy transition presents opportunities to develop new ways of producing, distributing and consuming energy. As part of our strategy, we intend to make investments in large-scale and commercial forms of lower-carbon technology and energy, such as natural gas, carbon capture and storage, biofuels, wind and solar energy. We continue to develop advanced biofuels and hydrogen-based fuels for electric transport and energy storage. We also collaborate with others to support the transition – for example, we are part of the World Bank’s coalition to support governmental carbon-pricing mechanisms.

Sharing wider benefits where we operate

The long-term nature of the energy industry means that we can be part of a community for decades. An open dialogue with communities is fundamental to the way we operate – it helps us to identify any environmental and social opportunities and challenges. We have teams that work closely with communities throughout a project’s lifetime to listen to and address people’s concerns. (See Embedding sustainability into projects).

We also help to develop local economies by creating jobs, sourcing from local suppliers, supporting business development, and paying taxes and royalties. In China, for example, 99% of Shell’s more than 20,000 employees and contractors are Chinese. Our social investment programmes aim to improve road safety, access to energy and encourage local enterprise where we operate. (See Working in specialist areas and Investing in communities).

Running a safe, efficient, responsible and profitable business

Safeguarding and respecting people – our employees, contractors and neighbours – is fundamental to how we conduct business. We aim to continuously improve the way we operate to prevent incidents, and identify and minimise adverse impacts at our projects and facilities. We report publicly on our performance using a range of indicators.

We share our experience in sustainability by working with trade associations and others to improve operational standards and practices in safety, community engagement and environmental management. (See Environmental and social partners and Collaborations).

Integrating sustainability

Pyramid on integrating sustainability (graph)Pyramid on integrating sustainability (graph)