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Workers at Quest Carbon Capture and Storage in Alberta, Canada (photo)

The energy transition

An energy transition is under way to a global low-carbon energy system. Managing this transition is complex: energy is needed to meet the needs of a growing global population, yet the energy produced needs to be less carbon-intensive.

There are things societies can do to speed up their own energy transitions. For example, expand the use of renewable energy, use cleaner-burning natural gas to replace coal, and increase the uptake of carbon capture and storage.

This section outlines Shell’s approach to the energy transition.

Photo: Quest carbon capture and storage started up at our oil sands operations in 2015. It can capture more than one million tonnes of CO2 emissions each year from the Scotford Upgrader and store it safely underground. Alberta, Canada.

Flame (icon)Flame (icon)

Share of our production that was natural gas

Operating facility (icon)Operating facility (icon)
72 million tonnes

Direct greenhouse gas emissions from facilities we operate

Cloud (icon)Cloud (icon)
315 kilotonnes

Reduction of CO2 at Quest CCS facility in 2015

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