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Environmental performance

We improved or maintained our environmental performance across most areas during 2015. This was due to operational improvements as well as reduced activity and divestments. Details about our environmental performance are provided below and under Managing methane emissions and Flaring for methane and flaring.


The number of operational oil spills in 2015 was 108, down from 153 in 2014. The volume of operational spills of oil and oil products increased to 0.8 thousand tonnes, from 0.7 thousand tonnes in 2014.

The number of spills caused by sabotage and theft fell to 94 from 139 in 2014. The volume of these spills decreased to 2.2 thousand tonnes in 2015 from 2.7 thousand tonnes in 2014. In 2015, sabotage and oil theft remained a significant cause of spills in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. See Spill prevention and response for more information on spills in Nigeria.

The reduction in spills was in part due to divestments. We investigate and learn from all spills to improve our performance and we clean up the areas near our operations that are affected by spills, irrespective of the cause. As of the end of March 2016, there were two spills under investigation in Nigeria that may result in adjustments.

Spills – Operational [A]

Spills - Operational - Volume in thousand tonnes and number of spills (line chart)Spills - Operational - Volume in thousand tonnes and number of spills (line chart)

[A] Over 100 kilograms.

Spills – Sabotage [A]

Spills - Sabotage - Volume in thousand tonnes and number of spills (line chart)Spills - Sabotage - Volume in thousand tonnes and number of spills (line chart)

[A] Sabotage and theft-related spills over 100 kilograms.

greenhouse gas
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the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues
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American Petroleum Institute
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International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
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the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues
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American Petroleum Institute
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International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
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volatile organic compounds
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