Third-party revenues
Related-party revenues
Total revenues
Profit before tax
Corporate income tax paid
Corporate income tax accrued
Stated capital
Accumulated earnings
Tangible assets
Other payments to governments
Shell's footprint
Shell has been present in Ukraine since 2006. In 2015, Shell ceased its exploration activities in Ukraine and in 2021 ended all upstream activities. Shell has downstream activities through the Cicerone Holding B.V. joint venture (JV). The JV owns 132 retail sites in Ukraine but operates 117 due to Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. The mobility JV business pays taxes locally and employs around 1,500 people. JV staff are not included in the table under country-by-country reporting (CbCR) rules.
Country financial analysis
The statutory corporate income tax rate in Ukraine is 18%. The profit and tax paid by the joint venture companies are not included in our CbCR report for Ukraine because the accounting principles of the joint ventures are based on equity accounting. In line with CbCR requirements, these numbers are reported in the shareholder locations. The numbers reflected in the table are for companies that are in the process of being liquidated.