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Showing 6-8 of 8 results found for "CO2"

Directors’ Remuneration Report

[...] systems relating to carbon dioxide (CO2) in portfolio, planning and resource allocation decisions. The CFO led the publication of the Shell Energy Transition Report, which is aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and sets out how Shell plans to [...]

Market overview

[...] by record prices for carbon dioxide (CO2) allowances (EUAs) which averaged €16/tCO2 in 2018 compared to €6/tCO2 in 2017, resulting in higher preference for gas over coal in power generation. Gas prices were also supported by lower nuclear power output, particularly in Belgium and Spain, lower [...]


[...] by record prices for carbon dioxide (CO2) allowances (EUAs) which averaged €16/tCO2 in 2018 compared to €6/tCO2 in 2017, resulting in higher preference for gas over coal in power generation. Gas prices were also supported by lower nuclear power output, particularly in Belgium and Spain, lower [...]