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Showing 1-5 of 8 results found for "CO2"

Our portfolio and climate change

[...] According to the IEA, more than 40% of global CO2 emissions in 2015 came from electricity and heat generation. For many countries, using more gas in power generation instead of coal can make a large contribution, at lower cost, in meeting their GHG emission reduction objectives. We expect that, in [...]

Performance indicators

[...] Gas greenhouse gas intensity (tonnes of CO2 equivalent/tonne of hydrocarbon production available for sale)* 2018: 0.158 (2017: 0.166) Upstream/midstream greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity is a measure of GHG emissions (direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with imported energy, excluding [...]

Our performance

[...] emissions decreased from 73 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2017 to 71 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2018. The main contributors to this decrease were divestments (for example in Argentina, Canada, Gabon, Iraq, Malaysia and the UK). The level of flaring in our Upstream and Integrated Gas [...]

Remuneration for 2018

[...] and Integrated Gas GHG intensity (tonnes of CO2 equivalent/tonne of hydrocarbon production available for sale) 4% 0.172 0.164 0.156 0.158 1.75 Refining GHG intensity (tonnes CO2 equivalent per Solomon’s Utilized Equivalent Distillation Capacity (UEDC™)) 4% 1.10 1.05 1.00 1.05 1.00 Chemicals [...]

Our strategy

[...] products we sell – expressed in grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule consumed – by around half by 2050. As an interim step, by 2035, and predicated on societal progress, we aim for a reduction of around 20% compared with our 2016 level. Our approach to calculating the Net Carbon Footprint [...]