[...] a number of key matters related to transitioning to a lower-carbon energy system, such as our Sky scenario report and the Shell EnergyTransition report. In addition, the Board discussed Shell’s Net Carbon Footprint ambition and some of our Non-executive Directors received dedicated updates from [...]
Textual description Back to Remuneration Committee and policy Strategy Thrive in the energytransition World-class investment case Strong licence to operate How the strategy links to the CEO’s variable pay CEO individual performance The vision for thriving in the energytransition is led by the [...]
[...] emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), using energy more efficiently, flaring less gas during oil production, preventing spills and leaks of hazardous materials, using less fresh water and conserving biodiversity wherever we operate. For example, the availability of fresh water is a growing [...]
[...] it will incorporate a link between the energytransition and the long-term remuneration of executives. Shell further built on its Net Carbon Footprint ambition, taking a significant leadership position within the oil and gas sector with strong support from stakeholders. The statement is the result [...]
[...] Executive Committee to assist with the transition until September 30, 2019. Note above will apply to Wael from July 1, 2019. Board committees There are four standing Board committees made up of Non-executive Directors. These are the: Audit Committee; Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee; [...]