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Showing 1-5 of 9 results found for "Diversity"


[...] based on the skills, experience, diversity and length of tenure on the Board as a whole, and identifies and nominates suitable candidates for the Board’s approval to fill vacancies when they arise. In addition, it makes recommendations on who should be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee, the [...]

The Board

[...] particularly avid advocate of greater diversity, which is reflected in the Board’s current diversity mix and increased diversity goals across the Shell Group. Chad’s performance has been evaluated by the other Directors, led by Gerard Kleisterlee, Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director. [...]

Corporate governance

[...] we have enhanced our reporting of the diversity of skills and experience represented in the boardroom and how the Board was evaluated in 2018. In addition, we have included a new section on stakeholder engagement, an area of reporting that we plan to build on in the coming years, information on [...]


[...] a Company’s succession plan and diversity policy, particularly in those cases where the chair was an existing Non-executive Director on appointment. The Nomination and Succession Committee, and the Board, have discussed this New Code requirement at length. In addition, the Company Secretary [...]

Our people

[...] matters and for follow-up action. Diversity and inclusion Our intention is to sustain a diverse workforce and an inclusive environment that respects and shows care for all our people and helps improve our business performance. Our diversity and inclusion (D&I) approach focuses on talent [...]