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Financial calendar







2014 Fourth quarter[A]

2015 First quarter[B]

2015 Second quarter[B]

2015 Third quarter[B]


In respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2014.


In respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2015.


The Directors do not propose to recommend any further distribution in respect of 2014.


The London Stock Exchange and Euronext Amsterdam, with effect from October 6, 2014, reduced the standard settlement cycle in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving securities settlement in the European Union (EU) and on Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) and amending Directive 98/26/EC (the CSD Regulation). The CSD Regulation aims to harmonise EU securities settlement cycles towards a T + 2 cycle. As a result, the ex-dividend dates for A and B shares traded on these markets are one trading day later than A ADSs and B ADSs traded in the USA. Record dates are not affected.


A different currency election date may apply to shareholders holding shares in a securities account with a bank or financial institution ultimately holding through Euroclear Nederland. Such shareholders can obtain the applicable deadlines from their broker, financial intermediary, bank or financial institution where they hold their securities account.

Results announcements

January 29

April 30

July 30

October 29

Interim dividend timetable





Announcement date

January 29[C]

April 30

July 30

October 29

Ex-dividend date A and B ADSs [D]

February 11

May 13

August 12

November 10

Ex-dividend date A and B shares [D]

February 12

May 14

August 13

November 12

Record date

February 13

May 15

August 14

November 13

Closing date for currency election [E]

February 27

June 1

August 28

November 27

Euro and sterling equivalents announcement date

March 6

June 8

September 4

December 4

Payment date

March 20

June 22

September 21

December 18

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