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Fuels and products

As the number of cars grows in coming decades, the challenge will be how to manage the environmental impact. Around 17% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels come from road transport. Shell develops advanced fuels and lubricants that can help drivers save fuel.

Our most efficient fuels to date, Shell FuelSave petrol and diesel, are designed to help motorists save fuel by reducing energy loss in the engine. In 2011, we started selling them in five more countries: the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, the Philippines and Slovakia. This brought to 15 the number of countries where these fuels were available at the end of the year.

Our efforts to make transport more sustainable extend beyond the road. We have developed a new marine lubricant called Alexia S4 which can help improve fuel efficiency. Using this lubricant allows ships to travel slowly for longer periods without causing excessive wear on their engines.

We also produce petrochemicals that manufacturers use to make everyday products that help consumers use less energy. These products include highly efficient building insulation, warm-water washing detergents and lightweight plastics for cars.


We are developing innovative uses for sulphur, a naturally occurring by-product of oil and gas production. Shell Thiogro™ is a sulphur-enhanced fertiliser which, trials have shown, can increase crop yields and quality in some types of soils. We license Shell Thiogro™ in Australia, India and the USA.

Another sulphur-based product, Shell Thiopave™, can reduce the amount of energy used in road making and strengthen road surfaces. It uses less energy as the asphalt can be mixed at lower temperatures. Shell Thiopave™ has been tested in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.


A Shell company, CRI Catalyst, has developed a technology that can reduce emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a powerful greenhouse gas, at large industrial plants. This technology efficiently converts N2O into naturally occurring nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), which do not contribute to climate change. In 2011, CRI Catalyst installed three systems using this technology in chemical plants for customers. These systems are expected to reduce emissions at these plants in total by more than 1 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year. Shell does not operate the kind of plant that produces major amounts of N2O.

Sunil V. Shah, General Manager of Wellmac Plastics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India (photo)


“For 10 years, we have been a supplier of plastic containers for Shell Lubricants. In this time, they have demonstrated an effective blend of business operations and a comprehensive system for the management of health, safety and environment. Their programme has encouraged us to implement a similar programme in Wellmac, as well as earn our ISO 14000 certification. Implementing this programme has resulted in our customers having more confidence in our business and has, in turn, helped our business grow.”

Sunil V. Shah
General Manager of Wellmac Plastics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India

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