Change Report
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Worker at the GTL Pearl Project, Ras Laffan, Qatar (photo)

We aim to produce energy resources and deliver products in the right way: with respect for people and the environment, and with safety as our first priority. We are producing more natural gas, the cleanest-burning fossil fuel, and finding innovative ways to convert it into useful products. We operate in challenging conditions such as deep water, and our plans to develop new energy resources include exploring in the Arctic. We are producing low-carbon biofuel and helping to develop advanced biofuels for the future.

Sustainable development in action

When planning and developing new projects, or expanding existing facilities, we assess the potential impact on the environment and consider the views of local communities when we make decisions.

Natural gas

The world needs more energy – and cleaner energy – to power economic progress while keeping the planet healthy for future generations.

Joint ventures, contractors and suppliers

Contractors and suppliers play an important role in Shell’s activities.

Deep water

Shell is a pioneer in developing energy resources in deep waters.

The Arctic

Q&A with Marvin Odum, Upstream Americas Director.


An open letter from Mutiu Sunmonu, Chairman of Shell Companies in Nigeria.

Shell Foundation

Shell Foundation is an independent charity that applies business thinking to tackle global development challenges.


A rejuvenated energy industry continues to help Iraq rebuild.

Oil sands

Canada’s oil sands can provide an important source of energy in the decades ahead, but they must be developed responsibly.

Fuels and products

Cars allow many people to go about their daily lives. Trucks, ships and aircraft help economies to thrive.


We produce low-carbon biofuel, distribute biofuels worldwide and continue to develop advanced biofuels for the future.

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