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Our approach

We have continued to work to ensure our memberships of industry associations support our climate and energy transition policy positions. This is the sixth consecutive year that we have reported on industry associations.

We have updated our principles for participation in industry associations. These principles set out our governance of our memberships. They also describe how we review the associations’ climate and energy transition policy and advocacy positions, and how we address and report on misalignment.

We publish a detailed review of the policy and advocacy positions of key industry associations every two years. Where we identify misalignment with our positions, we set out how we plan to address this and provide an update the following year. The interval provides time to set out our expectations of associations where we found misalignment and to engage with them to try to encourage change.

We published our last detailed review of key industry associations in our Climate and Energy Transition Lobbying Report in March 2023.[1] The report set out our methodology for selecting and reviewing the industry associations, the review outcomes, and next steps for associations where we found misalignment. The review considered the associations’ policy positions and their advocacy on key legislation and regulation proposals. Of the 39 key industry associations reviewed in the report, we found:

  • No cases of material misalignment
  • Some misalignment with 10 associations
  • Alignment with 29 associations

In this report published in May 2024, we focus on the 10 associations where we found some misalignment. This includes an update on Queensland Resources Council (QRC), which we left in September 2023. We also highlight the actions we have taken to address differences in our positions with the other nine associations since the review. We provide information on our payments to the remaining nine associations, as well as details of our role on their governing bodies.

We plan to publish our next detailed industry associations review in 2025.

[1] Shell Climate and Energy Transition Lobbying Report 2022, published in March 2023: