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Payments to industry associations

We typically pay annual membership fees to industry associations. Membership fees may be calculated either as fixed fees applicable to all members, or as a proportion of the annual turnover or production volumes of members. In some cases, we make additional payments, for example to sponsor research or an event.

We require industry associations to confirm that Shell funds or resources are not used for payments to political parties, political organisations or their representatives, either directly or indirectly.

In the EU and the USA, we report expenditure associated with our lobbying activities, which includes estimated percentages of industry association costs, in line with the requirements and guidelines set out in the EU Transparency Register and the US Lobbying Disclosure Act, respectively. These submissions are publicly available.[1]

Table 2 provides an overview of the payments we made to nine associations where we found some misalignment in last year’s report. The table does not include Queensland Resources Council (QRC), which we left in 2023.

Shell payments to industry associations in 2023 (Table 2)

Shell payments
in 2023
(USD range)

Industry associations

Member of board or executive committee as of December 31, 2023

Shell entity that pays membership fee

7.5 – <10M

American Petroleum Institute (API)

Board, executive committee

Shell USA, Inc.

5 – <7.5M




2.5 – <5M




1 – <2.5M

Australian Energy Producers (AEP, formerly APPEA)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC)
Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)


Shell Australia Pty Ltd
Shell USA, Inc.
Shell USA, Inc.

500,000 – <1M

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)


Shell Oil Products Company LLC

100,000 – <500,000

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)


Shell Canada Limited

50,000 – <100,000

Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA)


Shell USA, Inc.

0 – <50,000

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME)
International Gas Union (IGU)

Executive committee[3]

Shell Australia Pty Ltd
Shell International Limited

[1] In the EU, Shell’s reported estimated annual costs related to activities covered by the register were €4,000,000 to €4,500,000 in 2023. In the USA, Shell’s reported expenses related to lobbying practices were $7,080,000 in 2023. We also provide this information on our website

[2] Appointments to the board are subject to confirmation by the AEP board.

[3] A Shell employee is a member of IGU’s executive committee but this position is not a Shell-designated position.