Change Report
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Production in 2012 was 3,262 thousand boe/d compared with 3,215 thousand boe/d in 2011. Liquids production was down 2% and natural gas production increased by 5% compared with 2011. Excluding the impact of divestments and exits, production volumes in 2012 were 3% higher than in 2011.

In 2012, hydrocarbon production from new start-ups and the continuing ramp-up of new projects more than offset the impact of field declines, and the impact of divestments and exits. There was also further upside from new wells and improved reliability compared with 2011, partially offset by changes in contractual entitlements and other non-operational factors.

Production was mainly driven by the continued ramp-up of new projects, notably our Pearl GTL plant in Qatar, the start-up of the Pluto LNG Project in Australia, and the first full year of production from Qatargas 4. Further additions also came from new start-ups such as Harweel in Oman, and the early first production from Gumusut-Kakap in Malaysia.

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