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Nigeria and Benin

Workers paint identification marks on a suction pile for the Bonga North West oil field development off the coast of Nigeria (photo)
Workers paint identification marks on a
suction pile for the Bonga North West oil
field development off the coast of Nigeria.

Shell’s share of production, onshore and offshore, in Nigeria was approximately 300 thousand boe/d in 2014, compared with approximately 265 thousand boe/d in 2013. Security issues and crude oil theft in the Niger Delta continued to be significant challenges in 2014.


The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd (SPDC) is the operator of a joint arrangement (Shell interest 30%) that has more than 15 Niger Delta onshore oil mining leases (OMLs), which expire in 2019. To provide funding, modified carry agreements are in place for certain key projects and are being reimbursed.

SPDC supplies gas to Nigeria LNG Ltd (NLNG) mainly through its Gbaran-Ubie and Soku projects. SPDC is undertaking a strategic review of its interests in the eastern Niger Delta and, in 2014, divested its 30% interest in OML24. In the first quarter of 2015, SPDC has completed the sales of its interests in OML 18 and OML 29, and related facilities. Additional divestments may occur as a result of the strategic review.

While the level of crude oil theft activities and sabotage in 2014 was similar to 2013, the impact on production was smaller due to various mitigation measures. During 2014, force majeure related to security issues, sabotage and crude oil theft was only declared once, compared with four times in 2013.


Our main offshore deep-water activities are carried out by Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCO, Shell interest 100%) which has interests in four deep-water blocks. SNEPCO operates OMLs 118 (including the Bonga field, Shell interest 55%) and 135 (Bolia, Doro, Shell interest 55%) and holds a 43.75% interest in OML 133 (Erha) and a 50% interest in oil production lease 245 (Zabazaba, Etan). SNEPCO also has an approximate 43% interest in the Bonga Southwest/Aparo development via its 55% interest in OML 118. Deep-water offshore activities are typically governed through PSCs.

First oil was produced from the Bonga North West deep-water development in the third quarter of 2014, while in October the final investment decision on the Bonga Main Phase 3 project was taken, which is expected to contribute some 40 thousand boe/d at peak production through the existing Bonga FPSO export facility.

SPDC also has an interest in six shallow-water offshore leases, of which five were recently renewed and now are due for renewal in 2034.

Liquefied natural gas

Shell has a 25.6% interest in NLNG, which operates six LNG trains with a total capacity of 22.0 mtpa. In 2014, LNG production was higher than in 2013, as 2013 was impacted by gas supply constraints and the impact of a blockade of NLNG export facilities by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency.

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