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Brunei and Malaysia


Shell and the Brunei government are 50:50 shareholders in Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (BSP). BSP has long-term oil and gas concession rights onshore and offshore Brunei, and sells most of its gas production to Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad (BLNG, Shell interest 25%). BLNG was the first LNG plant in Asia-Pacific and sells most of its LNG on long-term contracts to customers in Asia.

We are the operator for the Block A concession (Shell interest 53.9%), which is under exploration and development, and are also operator for exploration Block Q (Shell interest 50%). We have a 35% non-operating interest in the Block B concession, where gas and condensate are produced from the Maharaja Lela field. In February 2014, the final investment decision was taken on the Maharaja Lela South development (Shell interest 35%). It is expected to deliver a total peak production of 35 thousand boe per day.

In addition, we have non-operating interests in deep-water exploration Block CA-2 (Shell interest 12.5%) and in exploration Block N (Shell interest 50%), both under PSCs.


F14DR-A platform off the coast of Miri, Malaysia (photo)
The F14DR-A platform off the coast of
Miri, Malaysia.


An engineer carrying out maintenance checks on a platform off the coast of Miri, Malaysia (photo)
An engineer carrying out maintenance
checks on a platform off the coast of
Miri, Malaysia.

We explore for and produce oil and gas located offshore Sabah and Sarawak under 19 PSCs, in which our interests range from 20% to 85%. Offshore Sabah, we operate five producing oil fields (Shell interests ranging from 29% to 50%). These include the Gumusut-Kakap deep-water field (Shell interest 29%) where production via a dedicated floating production system commenced in October 2014. We have additional interests ranging from 30% to 50% in PSCs for the exploration and development of four deep-water blocks. These include the Malikai field (Shell interest 35%) which is currently being developed with Shell as the operator. We also have a 21% interest in the Siakap North-Petai field, which commenced production in 2014, and a 30% interest in the Kebabangan field. Offshore Sarawak, we are the operator of 17 producing gas fields (Shell interests ranging from 37.5% to 70%). Nearly all of the gas produced is supplied to Malaysia LNG in Bintulu where we have a 15% interest in the Dua (where our licence is due to expire in 2015) and Tiga LNG plants. We also have a 40% interest in the 2011 Baram Delta EOR PSC and a 50% interest in Block SK-307. Additionally, we have interests in five exploration PSCs: Deep-water Block 2B; SK318; SK319; SK408; and SK320.

We operate a gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant (Shell interest 72%) adjacent to the Malaysia LNG facilities in Bintulu. Using Shell technology, the plant converts gas into high-quality middle distillates, drilling fluids, waxes and speciality products.

Map of Brunei and Malaysia

Brunei and Malaysia (detailed map) View on the interactive world map

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