- Production in Oceania was 172 thousand boe/d in 2014.
- After-tax earnings from the oil and gas exploration and production operations of our subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in the region were $1.0 billion.
- We are building the floating LNG (FLNG) facility for the Prelude field offshore north-west Australia, and are participating in the Gorgon LNG project.
- We completed a partial sell-down of shares in Woodside and completed the sale of Shell interest in the Wheatstone-lago joint venture and the Wheatstone LNG project.
Download XLS |
2014 |
% of total | ||||
Total production (thousand boe/d) [A] |
172 |
6% |
Liquids production (thousand b/d) [A] |
35 |
3% |
Natural gas production (million scf/d) [A] |
794 |
9% |
Gross developed and undeveloped acreage (thousand acres) |
73,598 |
27% |
Proved oil and gas reserves excluding non-controlling interest (million boe) [B] |
1,188 |
9% |
In Oceania, Shell has interests in Australia and New Zealand.