Change Report


Construction workers in Malaysia (photo)

The Gumusut-Kakap project (Shell interest 33%) off the coast of Malaysia will use a semi-submersible platform in more than 1,200 metres of water when it starts operations in the next two years. Nineteen undersea wells will feed oil to the platform for processing and piping to shore. To avoid flaring, the gas produced with the oil will be injected back into the formation to maintain reservoir pressure, which helps us recover more oil.

Gumusut-Kakap has a production capacity of 135,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) a day. Its semi-submersible platform will be the first to be used in Malaysia, and building its massive hull created a new industrial capability in a region which is likely to need more of these structures in the future. Shell has established a training programme for Malaysian engineers to learn best industry practices in the health, safety and environmental aspects of their work. We also fund a broad range of sustainable livelihood efforts, such as alternative and supplemental income development for indigenous women, clean water supplies and rural tourism initiatives.

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