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Two workers in red overalls at GTL Plant in Ras Laffan, Qatar (photo)

Shell works to help meet the world’s growing demand for energy in a responsible way. This means operating safely, reducing our impact on the environment and sharing benefits with the communities who are our neighbours.

This section outlines our sustainability principles, governance and standards that underpin our operations. It also describes our role as the world transitions towards a lower-carbon future.


Why energy matters

Energy is essential to growth in today’s world. It serves the needs of a growing population and is a tool to help people out of poverty.


Sustainability and our business strategy

Our role in sustainability is to help meet current energy needs in a responsible way.


Living by our principles

The core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people are reflected in our business principles, which govern the way we work.


Governance and standards

Effective governance, standards and controls within Shell help to ensure good sustainability performance, in health, safety and the environment, and in our work with communities.

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