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An employee working at Scotford, Alberta, Canada (photo)

Shell develops energy resources to meet rising global demand. Our aim is to do this safely and responsibly, by bringing benefits to people in places where we operate and to manage any impacts on communities and the environment.

This section details some of our work in areas such as using energy and water more efficiently, our engagements with communities and managing our carbon dioxide emissions. We also ensure that our employees, contractors, suppliers and partners follow stringent standards.



Safety is critical to the responsible delivery of energy.



We carefully consider the potential environmental impact of our activities and how local communities might be affected, both before projects begin and during operations.


Focus on decommissioning

At Shell, decommissioning is an intrinsic part of the life cycle of any asset and must be done safely and responsibly.


Energy and climate change

International climate experts state that greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster than ever.



Community engagement is fundamental to our approach to sustainability.


Contractors, suppliers and joint ventures

Our projects provide opportunities to build local economies through employment, skills development and training.



We have a long track record of building partnerships with environmental and development organisations to bring insights to our work.



We work with many different organisations. These relationships help us to build trust among our stakeholders which include non-governmental organisations.

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