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Transforming the energy system

To help to transform the energy system, Shell is working with customers, sector by sector. We have formed more than 50 collaborations with other leading companies aiming to be at the forefront of the energy transition.

Our strategy is to:

  • provide more electricity, while also shifting the power system to renewable energy;
  • develop alternative zero- and low-carbon solutions to traditional fuels, including biofuels, hydrogen, and other zero- and low-carbon gases; and
  • address any remaining emissions with decarbonisation solutions such as carbon capture and storage and nature-based solutions.

Our integrated energy portfolio [A]

Please hover over the icons to see the connections

Carbon capture and storage (applicable across all sectors) Nature-based solutions (applicable across all sectors) Heavyindustry Light industry& Commercial Marine A viation Roadfreight Personalmobility Mitigation& O f fsets Conventionalfuels Biofuels Hydrogen Electricity DEMANDSUPPL Y
[A] Graphic shows our portfolio of energy products and does not include other products such as chemicals and lubricants.