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Delivering projects

P&T teams manage complex projects from design to commissioning, often in challenging environments. The Mars B field development, for example, is the first major deep-water brownfield project in the Gulf of Mexico. It will use some of the largest equipment and most advanced operational systems on a tension-leg platform designed to operate for 50 years. Constructed at five major locations across the globe, the platform is coming together now in Texas.

Or take our massive Prelude floating facility offshore Australia, which has 3.6 mtpa LNG production capacity. Its construction also requires the coordination of engineering teams at multiple locations throughout the world.

Shell projects can be huge enterprises. They involve several years of design and engineering effort, thousands of construction workers, and billions of dollars’ worth of materials and equipment.

In spite of such complexity, we are constantly looking for opportunities to simplify and standardise project execution, with the aim of improving efficiency and reducing costs. We have also created a global community of project managers to facilitate resourcing and to build up expertise through the sharing of best practices. The Shell Project Academy invigorates this global community. It provides an accredited competence development programme that makes our project staff capable of delivering sustained top-quartile performance.

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